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Writer's pictureCourtney Keyser

Healthy Pop Tarts

Ingredients you’ll need:


PLAIN Greek yogurt

Self rising flour


Strawberry jam or any other form

of jam

Honey/agave/or powdered sugar

Coconut Milk


Vanilla extract


Combine 1 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1 cup self rising flour, mix with a spoon until a dough forms. Using your hands knead the dough until you have a smooth consistent ball.

Generously flour your surface and roll your dough out to be a 12x6 rectangle. Using a pizza cutter or knife cut down the middle, and cut until you have 16 rectangles, cut them bigger if you want less pop tarts.

Line a sheet tray with a baking mat or piece of parchment and lay out your rectangles.

Take your strawberry jam or other kinds of jam and use a spoon placing a spoonful onto 8 rectangles in the middle.

Place the tops onto the rectangles that’s have the jam on them, and using a fork pinch each side down sealing the jam in.

Take one egg and whisk it with a splash of water for your egg wash. Using a pastry brush, brush the tops of your pop tarts with your egg wash.

Bake at 350 degrees F, for 15-20 minutes until golden brown, let cool completely before adding the icing.

For the icing combine 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract,

2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt. You can use milk/coconut milk/almond milk/etc to replace the yogurt in the glaze.

Once cooled add the glaze on top of the pop tarts. Then add some sprinkles and you have yourself a flaky breakfast treat with less sugar, additives then a prepackaged pop tart!

***You can either use Plain or vanilla Greek yogurt in this recipe, since there’s no sugar in the dough vanilla would give it some sweetness and more flavor.

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