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Writer's pictureCourtney Keyser

Plant Based Paradise

If you're reading this you've survived 2020 which felt nothing like paradise, now onto 2021. We all set goals and ambitions at the beginning of the year to work out more, eat healthier, spend less time on cellular devices, but how many of those actually achieve any of those resolutions by the end of the year? Not many. Dieting is hard, there are SO many fad diets out there, weight loss supplements, ect. Why not just change your lifestyle? Why not a plant based lifestyle? From the food you ingest to your beauty products, plant based is better. Think about all of the chemicals your skin is soaking in just from your favorite lotion along with your digestive system absorbing chemicals from irritated meats, hormones from dairy products, the list can go on...I'm not saying there aren't pesticides in veggies and fruits but I also know y'all are smart and wash your produce.

Purple Carrot meal service is perfect for those wanting to try a plant based lifestyle but are unsure of where to start. The creativity that goes into some of the recipes is astonishing, seriously though, Caribbean Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Rice and Mango Salsa, like who comes up with that? The flavors are AMAZING and just meld together creating flavor bombs in your mouth. The meals are nothing short of flavorful, and they even provide extra options for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Purple Carrot makes it fun and easy to add more vegetables into your diet in ways you would have never thought to do. It's as easy as 1,2,3. So skip the line at the grocery store, hop on to your computer and check out Purple Carrot meal subscriptions services. $30 off link listed below. Happy Eating!

Here are just a few of my favorite plant based meals I've had so far from Purple Carrot, left to right: Caribbean Sweet Potatoes with Coconut rice & Mango Salsa; Tofu Peanut Stir Fry; Kimchi Quesadillas with Togarashi Sweet Potato Fries. All were delicious, flavor packed and family friendly.

*I was compensated for this post. This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

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